Apparently the problem of ‘email addiction’ has got so bad amongst some permanently-connected workers and Blackberry toting bosses that some “executive coach” dudess in Pennsylvania has come up with her “12 steps to cure e-mail addiction” plan.
The 12 step plan was devised by executive coach Marsha Egan after several of her clients revealed how their email addiction was taking them right off the rails.
One exec found he failed to impress a client on the golf course after he simply had to check email on his BlackBerry after every single shot, while another was unable to walk past a computer - any computer - without reaching for the ‘check email’ button.
One seriously twitchy email addict was so desperate to receive email, that he regularly sent himself messages just to check that the email system was working.
12 Step email addiction ?
Title: 12 Step email addiction ?
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Apparently the problem of ‘email addiction’ has got so bad amongst some permanently-connected workers and Blackberry toting bosses that some...
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