Research has shown that alcoholism is a choice, not a disease, and stripping alcohol abusers of their choice, by applying the disease concept, is a threat to the health of the individual.
In a recent Gallup poll, 90% of people surveyed believe that alcoholism is a disease. Most argue that because the American Medical Association (AMA) has proclaimed alcoholism a disease, the idea is without reproach.
But, the fact is that the AMA made this determination in the absence of empirical evidence. After reviewing the history of the decision, it would not be unreasonable to suggest that the AMA has been pursuing its own agenda in the face of evidence negating the validity of alcoholism.
Negating the validity of alcoholism.
Title: Negating the validity of alcoholism.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Research has shown that alcoholism is a choice, not a disease, and stripping alcohol abusers of their choice, by applying the disease concep...
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