Last night, Bill Van Horn & Mickey came over and got me & we picked up Bill Dotson[3], who now lives near King School, & we went out to Stow where I led the little group in a meeting — It was just like old times at T. Henry's — Every one felt they could get up and talk & you could feel that we were really gathered together in His Name & we had the real fellowship of the "Holy Spirit" that was left in the world, so we would never "be comfortless" — Bill Dotson said he had been to Albany, Georgia to speak. I told him that I had your letter & they were so glad to get news of you & spoke of you in the meeting.
I feel very sure that God has His Guiding Hand on our works, It looked for a while as if Bill Wilson would like to crowd God out but we know that it is up to us to seek more & more of God's power to help other people to know this way of Life & our fellowship. You certainly are doing your part & thank God, all those who have glimpsed the real vision are doing theirs. The joy of it is, to me, that those who have only been offered "the stone," are so eager & grab at the "bread," that we know we have to offer — as you say, it is appalling how little they have been offered by the would be "elder statesman" — but the 12 steps & the fact that, as Stanley Jones say, wherever man opens his mind to God, He reveals himself — they have helped the groping AA's — who have been denied so much of the real "bread" — & given the "stone" of Bill Wilson's designs.
But, Clarence, I have made one big whale of a surrender of Bill & his schemes — & all thought of him & the possibilities of what harm he could do just left me in the most amazing way. I don't have to try to "not think of him" again, I just don't — He is completely consigned to God by me & I know He can handle him — We will be closely knit — even with his taking the money & trying to take the book. I am sure he will need our pity & compassion because he has put himself apart from the real fellowship — more and more I see that the 16th Chapter of Luke that I read in answer to my asking to understand Bill & what he was doing, illuminated the situation — He has put himself with the "children of darkness" — he has his henchmen & ingratiates himself with those in the dark — Let us keep ourselves "children of the Light" & keep serving God, instead of "Mammon." Bill has made his choice — Read the chapter over.
I heard talk in Missouri 2 years ago about his connection with Sheen[1] but I don't imagine it is so. He imagines himself all kinds of things. His hand "writes" dictation from a Catholic priest, whose name I forget, from the 1600 period who was in Barcelona Spain — again, he told Horace Crystal[2], he was completing the work that Christ didn't finish, & according to Horace he said he was a reincarnation of Christ. Perhaps he got mixed in whose reincarnation he was. It looks more like the works of the devil but I could be wrong. I don't know what is going on in the poor deluded fellow's mind. He must be wistful. He asked Bill Dotson[3] if he knew where I was & Bill said "on Park Ave" & he said "Have you seen her"?
I learned from a Texas friend that a Chaplain in the prisons said the only way they really reached prisoners was thru Alcoholics Anonymous, even for the non alcoholic — so besides such things as that, Bill & his schemes pale into insignificance for us — I am sure. We can stand by & see him claim the "glory" if we can keep the "power" to help transform lives — Thank God, you & so many others are still doing that.
Bill Wilson would like to crowd God out
Title: Bill Wilson would like to crowd God out
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Last night, Bill Van Horn & Mickey came over and got me & we picked up Bill Dotson[3], who now lives near King School, & we went...
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